Παρασκευή 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

Everything in the Scriptures is God's Word (2Ti 3:16)

Although both the writings of the Church Fathers and the decisions of the ecumenical and local Synods describe the Bible as "divine”, one cannot find atheoreticalapproach of the meaning of the term, neither a development of a systematic teaching for the coordination of the divine and human factor in Bible. The question of “God’s word” in the Greek-Orthodox literature arises at the end of 18thcentury and onwards, probably under the influence of scholastic theological speculations that were developed by western theologians. From St. Nicodemus of Mount Athos to the theologians of the 20th century the theological thought was based on the distinction between texts written “by inspiration” and those written “under supervision” of God.
Nowadays,biblical scholarship and systematic theological approach agree that the inspiration of the Bible is understandable only within the frameof community.The testimonyoftheScripturedoesnotrefertoanobjectivelyreliablesourcebuttothelivingtraditionofthepeopleofGodand couldnothaveanyauthorityoutside the place of Church.